Upbit Exchange Info, Markets & Trading Volume.

Exchange NameUpbit
Volume (24H) $6,436,369,285.05
131,717.37 BTC
Coins Support105
Trading Pairs184
Website https://upbit.com/
Alexa Rank1666
Top CountrySouth Korea

Tentang Upbit

The objective of Upbit is to smartly lower the threshold of investment with the help of finance, technology. It has the interface where anyone can invest more easily and effectively. You can also check real-time stock quotes directly from the lock screen Cacao by just logig in Tok. They have already builded Global top Exchange Exclusive alliance with Bitex Strong security for providing speed and stability at the securities companies.

Upbit exchange 24 hours trading volume is $6,436,369,285.05 (131,717.37 BTC) This exchange supports 105 crypto currencies and 184 market trading pairs. According to Alexa website traffic analysis this exchange website has 1666 rank worldwide. Its website is most popular in South Korea with a Alexa rank of 54


Upbit Coins & Trading Pairs

# Currency Pair Price Volume (24h) Updated
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